Thanks! That's very helpful

Scentsy in Bandera County, Texas

Other Lakehills, Bandera County, Texas
123456.00 $


I have left Scentsy for personal reason and looking to sell my current stock. Willing to sell at 1/2 price. Warmers I have in stock and still available are Live Simply, Reimagine, Road Less Traveled (2), Chasing Fireflies, Calavera, Nest, Aspen Grove, Lone Star, Ribbon Sunset (Night Light) Moonstone(2). You can look these up on your website. I have current testers plus 2 years worth, (use as samples?) 9 catalogs, a big stack of order forms, oil sample bottles, molds, car tote, Scentsy Tablecloth, tote bags. I have some discontinued warmers as well. Celebrate, Backyard BBQ, Cream Diamond, Zuni, Tiger's Eye, and Noel. Please call 806-654-1443 Jo Meagher

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Listing id 39189
Post date July 4, 2017 10:46 AM
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Jo Meagher
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