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IT Water Bike in Clearlake, Lake County, California

Sporting Goods Clearlake Oaks, Clearlake, Lake County, California
999.00 $


Rated as one of two top water bikes! Offers easy to use, low impact exercise and rehab activity, great fun for everyone from 8 – 80.

Unique broad hull design is more stable than canoes or kayaks, and handles wakes or waves in freshwater or saltwater.

No need to get wet - just step on the hull, sit down on the seat, and pedal away! Even easier than riding a bicycle - no balancing required.

Perfect for taking supplies to boats docked offshore or fishing in out of the way places. Requires only 18" of water to navigate.

Stay active and fit on the water this year on this hard-to-find, affordable water bicycle!

Similar models sell for $6000+. You won't find a better one than this, even at twice our asking price.

Moving and can't take it with us, so this 1-year old model is priced at $999.00

Call/text for more info and to arrange to see/test ride in Clearlake Oaks, CA: 408-230-3512

(lots of info and videos online to see this model in action - spec sheet also available)

Measures 8'2" x 3'9". Weighs 79lbs

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Post date May 26, 2021 4:05 PM
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