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Electric Wheelchair J6 in Clackamas County, Oregon

Miscellaneous Clackamas County, Oregon
1200.00 $


J6 Power Electric Wheelchair from Pride Mobility
Rebuilt with Brand-new Motors; Castors and Wheels (front and back); Drive Wheels; Arm Rest and Controller/Joystick; and Batteries.
The batteries only have about 5 or 6 months use on them. I have the chair plugged in all of the time to preserve battery life.
I have all of the paperwork that came with my chair, I also have all of the service/repair paperwork, which shows rebuild/repair work of over $5000, I am asking $1200 for the chair.
I always took very good care of my chair, it was my legs when mine didn't get me where I needed to go.

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Listing id 278201
Post date May 23, 2022 5:05 AM
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