Thanks! That's very helpful

DUMPED DOGS in Woodville, Tyler County, Texas

Miscellaneous Woodville, Tyler County, Texas


Woodville. Please help.

Charlotte George-Davis is with Jill Jeansonne and 2 others.
3 hrs
These babies are in Woodville, on the corner of 287 and 1013
They have been dumped according to the store owner. They have been laying here on the side of the road for 2 weeks waiting for their owners to come back. I am headed North to my mother's or I would pick them up and bring them home. Can anybody help with these babies? They are sleeping on the edge of the road by the Valero there on the corner. Please share
The weather is going to get really nasty tomorrow evening. A cold front is moving through. These babies really need shelter!

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Views 64
Listing id 248685
Post date November 29, 2019 10:48 PM
Result 0 votes
Robert Earl Weldon
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