Swift Lift – “The Ultimate Hunting Machine” Portable Deer Tower Stand in Midland, Midland County, Texas

Sporting Goods Midland, Midland County, Texas


Love the hunt but hate the hassle of putting up or taking down your tower and blind? Lost your lease, or missing out on the action because you are stuck in the wrong place? The Swift Lift is a mobile hunting tower that one man can set up or take down in five minutes or less. The Swift Lift is available in 8- or 10-ft. heights and comes with a custom blind or blind of your choice. Quality built by hunters for hunters, the Swift Lift is affordable and guaranteed for life. For more information, call Mel Robinson at 254-717-7166. Visit www.theswiftlift.com for a video demonstration of the Swift Lift. Financing available.

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Listing id 100622
Post date September 22, 2018 12:27 PM
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Melvin Robinson
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