Tascam M320 Mixer soundboard in Reno County, Kansas

Musical Instruments South Hutchinson, Reno County, Kansas
50.00 $


Tascam M320 Mixer

20 Inputs, 4 Buss, 4 Aux & 1 Effects (5 Total)

Mic Preamp on every channel. Professional 100MM Faders.
Fully parametric Mid & Low EQ. Hi is fixed at 10K.
2 Aux & Effect send per channel
Insert and direct out on every channel

8 channels for tape return
2 Stereo Effects returns to the Stereo Buss
2 External Tape inputs (Playback mix down)
This console is about 80 lbs. and 39" x 8.5" x 27.25"

This is a high end piece of vintage audio mixing equipment from the 80's. It still works perfectly and can create high quality and complex audio productions. This is a great piece of equipment for people who are interested in creating works that sound acoustically reminiscent of styles from past decades, for people who are interested in the history of music and music production, or for people who want to have the experience of recording and mixing music in a more hands on way with less computer programs. By using this mixer it's possible to get the feeling of entering a time machine and you can get a better understanding of the intimacy and mindset of past artists and producers. If you're the kind of person who prefers classic music and loves to feel the nostalgia of days past, then this is the perfect item for you.

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Post date July 12, 2021 2:15 PM
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