Looking for a House to rent while deployed in Runnels, Texas

Miscellaneous Winters, Runnels, Texas
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Heading back to the middle east and I am looking for a house to rent in Winters for my family. I will be gone for a year or so and would like to move them there while I am gone. Looking for help in finding a place. Would move them there from Fort Leavenworth, KS in mid June and they would remain there through July 2016. Want to move them close to family and friends since we will only have been at Fort Leavenworth for less than a year and our friends will also be leaving this summer since we were all here for the Command and General Staff College. Would prefer it do be ready to move in and be a decent place for my family to live. Any help would be greatly appreciated it. This will be my 5th deployment and our daughter will start Kindergarten next fall. The opportunity to have them near family and her attend the dame elementary school as me while I am still in the Army is appealing to me. When I joined 20 years ago I would have never thought that possible and it could be a positive during the always difficult time of being away from those I love. Would prefer Winters but anything close will be Ok as well

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Listing id 3539
Post date March 24, 2015 7:51 AM
Result 0 votes
Wylie Clough
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