Cemetery Plots for Sale in Cleveland, Blount County, Alabama

Miscellaneous County, Cleveland, Blount County, Alabama
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I have 3 spaces for sale that List for $ 2,830. ea, 2 Vaults for sale that list for $ 1,360. ea, and 2 open & closings that list for $ 1,115. ea. total cost was $$ 13,440.00.
Parents were interned else where and I am not close.
Asking $ $$ 12,500 for total package.
These lots are in the Old section of Forest Crest Cemetery @ 5730 HWY 78E Birmingham, Al 35210. They are up on the hill in a beautifull location and easy to access.

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Views 181
Listing id 58039
Post date May 5, 2018 5:02 PM
Last edit May 5, 2018 5:05 PM
Result 0 votes
Chryl Paxton
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