Benefit for James "Tattoo" Crabb in Hearne, Robertson County, Texas

Community Events Hearne, Robertson County, Texas


A great man and community member, James "Tattoo" Crabb, served in Marine Corp during Vietnam War. Born and raised in Rockport, TX, he moved to Bryan in 1981 making our community his home. He worked to help many people as a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor through MHMR and later became a commercial truck driver. On January 30, 2017, Tattoo was hospitalized with serious heart problems. He was diagnosed with Artial fibrillation resulting in a need to complete a heart catheterization and performed four chemical shocks which did not work! Since that time he has been on medication, and has had many Emergency Room visits making it impossible for him to return to work. "Friends Helping Friends" is hosting this amazing benefit to give back to this man who helped protect our country, helped citizens of our community and who has given so much to so many!

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Listing id 35869
Post date May 29, 2017 5:14 PM
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