VistaLife Purple Tiger Energy in Chunvhul, Mobile County, Alabama

Business Listings Chunvhul, Mobile County, Alabama
49.95 $


Who wants to kick off the holiday season in a smaller dress size? Purple Tiger is an all natural supplement that
* Gives energy without the jitters
* Curbs your appetite
* Increases mental alertness
* Enhances your mood

I've lost over 70 lbs without crazy dieting, wraps, patches, or hours of exercising .

Best of all it's affordable $49.95 gets you started with NO OBLIGATION or CONTRACT to sell, quotas to maintain, or autoship.

I wanna help you get started

Contact me today!!!

Jessica Boothe
VistaLife Director
(251) 802-8878

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Listing id 50053
Post date November 4, 2017 6:27 AM
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