Looking for 2 Special Ladies Who Are Looking For A Change... in Houghton, Michigan

Business Listings Houghton, Michigan
99.00 $


The Presenter Collection changed my life and it can change yours too! I'm currently unemployed due the company I was working for closing their doors. YIKES right? Luckily, my husband's friend introduced me to Younique. Because of the freedom I have working from home I'm now earning an income to help pay bills and I've gained a new confidence! I want to help 2 ladies do the same!! Whether you are a mom looking for extra income to buy diapers, a college student looking for a flexible income, or a full-time employee looking for something new....I'd love to chat! It's the best decision (well 2nd best decision....marrying my hubby is #1) I've ever made!

Visit: www.ajbeautystudio.com or message me!

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Listing id 28858
Post date March 3, 2016 11:23 PM
Result 0 votes
Angie Thomas
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