4 Week Free Fitness Program in Rock Island County, Illinois

Fitness Centers Rock Island County, Illinois


I am a personal trainer looking for 10 individuals looking to start a fitness routine or looking for a new fitness routine to try for FREE!
About the program:
-This program is for men and women, 14 to 114 and ALL fitness levels.
-No commitment or contract required.
-Just a month of unlimited access to our online workout programs!
-Your program dates are Monday June 28 - Saturday July 24, plus 2 additional weeks FREE for anyone who signs up today!
You will get access to:
6 weeks unlimited virtual workouts for FREE
Certified Personal Trainers
Motivation, Accountability, Support
Community driven, family friendly
60 minutes of amazing workouts at your own pace, start where you are
Interested? Check it out and sign up here: https://linktr.ee/jesshoffman

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Views 78
Listing id 269617
Post date June 14, 2021 11:16 AM
Result 0 votes
Jessica Hoffman
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