DEE-SIGN CHALET, INC. - "Canvas & Cocktails" in Lampasas, Lampasas, Texas

Business Listings Lampasas, Lampasas, Lampasas, Texas


DEE-SIGN CHALET, INC. in Lampasas is now offering "Canvas & Coctails" in 2015. Below are a few of the similar paintings we will be doing this year...get a group of 4 or me with an available date..bring your drink of choice (yes alcohol is allowed)..and we provide the rest!! Our times are 6:30-8:30. You will leave with a fun-time memory, a painting by YOU, and a t-shirt for a souvenir!! ....all this for only $35 per person! Reserve now (512) 818-2834.

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Listing id 1675
Post date January 15, 2015 4:10 PM
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Tracy Langley
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