Construction/Handyman Services in Clearfield, Pennsylvania

Business Listings Entire County, Clearfield, Pennsylvania
1.00 $


Its that time of the year folks! You know the time of year where tax season is in ,& you have been waiting all winter to get that home improvement project done! Well wait no longer. Give Double K Konstruction a call for all your home improvement needs ...roofing,siding,sofit/facia,seemless gutters or simply a good gutter cleaning , or a whole home pressure wash, windows&doors,give that bathroom or kitchen a facelift maybe just some simple painting or some new flooring , how about an addition , porch deck or patio! Even a storage shed! Got a leaky faucet or drain or a recepticle that dont work we do that too! How about some landscaping! So dont put it off until " you get around to it ,get it done now get it done right with the best prices around , get it done by DOUBLE K KONSTRUCTION! GIVE US A CALL TODAY AND BE ON YOUR WAY TO A NEW TOMMORROW!

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Listing id 30946
Post date March 24, 2016 12:26 PM
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Kyle Couturiaux
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