Anyone own a Table Saw? in Robertsdale, Baldwin County, Alabama

Business Listings Robertsdale, Baldwin County, Alabama
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My business deals with equipping table saws with safety products. The guard I make was developed out of our necessity to prevent kickbacks when I was ripping 2×4s to build shooting houses. In the last few months, I have had many recommendations from a certain government agency that I can't name. I'm not allowed to per their website. To be short, a lot of potential customers with certain models of table saws have wanted guards and riving knives for them. Some of the older table saws can accept riving knives but didn't come with them originally. Customers prefer an adjustable riving knife over a fixed position splitter. I can develop riving knives for a lot of saws, already have for some, but I would prefer to see the table saw in person. Below is a list of table saws I would like to look at. Any help would be appreciated. I would prefer the saw to be in central or South Bama or NW Florida. There are also some saws I sell a lot of guards for and would like to make a video of the installation process. Anyone who can assist me in this will get a free installed guard and splitter or riving knife for their table saw. PM me if you are interested in helping out. Thanks a bunch.

Powermatic 64+A, 65, 66, 68, 71, 72+A
Craftsman 113.XXXXXX Would like to see any and all that start with 113.
General 350 and 650. Not the newer ones that are made in Taiwan. Long shot here, this is a
Canadian table saw.
Shop Fox any and all models
Walker Turner pre 1950

For video of installation
Grizzly any and all models
Jet any and all models preferably JWTS+JTAS
Delta unisaw any and all models
Ridgid 2412, 2422, 3650, R4512
Delta 36725
Any table saw with a scoring blade or any that is capable of using a 14" or 16" blade.

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Views 55
Listing id 243831
Post date August 16, 2019 8:47 PM
Result 0 votes
Ronnie Lipham Jr.
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